* Dualist preorders are now live! *


Evan walks us through his pared down bikepacking pack list for some overnighters in the Colorado Rockies.
Evan goes home after months of bikepacking around Morocco and fixes his destroyed Hudski Doggler.
Evan Christenson goes bikepacking around Morocco and nothing goes right. A story of the harder part of one of the harder ways to travel
We go over how to install a dropper post on the most fun bike to ever be specced without one
Evan talks about why bikes make such great travel partners.
We ELI5 why the Doggler makes for such a real bikepacking bike
Matt walks you through one of the sickest cycling scenes in the world. You GOTTA see these photos
Walking through case by case how I locked my bike and rating the job.
Why do we even have bikes? What’s the point of owning something? Buckle up…
Click through to see what the Radavist had to say about the Doggler
We talk about how to carry a surfboard while bikepacking, comparing the MovedByBikes Longboard Rack and the Frances Farfarer Trailer.
Like group rides? Us too. Click through to read about one of our favorites.
