Last time I spent time in la Ciudad de México, I had built a single speed klunker to cruise around on. Money was tight and I just needed a bike-- and I needed to enjoy looking at it.
I managed to fit some used (and very bald) 27.5 x 2.4" tires & had my rusty Doom bars fit to an S&M Redneck stem. I spec'd some sick, polished Profile cranks on it-- literally double the price of the frame & wheelset. That's how it goes when you have a vision though!
I have a really fond memory of sitting on a curb repacking that trash coaster brake in the dark… listening to the city's nightlife unfold & having dogs come up to sniff me for an hour straight. That bike got me around the city fine, but it was ultimately the wrong bike to help me REALLY get out there.
Now that I'm back down here, I've got my trusty Doggler. Buddy's up for anything. I've got it in 27.5 x 2.6" mode-- which is perfect for the cobbly streets, cutty 500 yard city trails, and all of the epic trail riding just waiting outside the city. The 34T ring paired to the 10-51T cassette allows me to keep up with traffic in the city & winch up literally any climb I've found.

Cyclists here are cool. So fkn cool. Quick to say what's up & compliment your bike. I posted a quick video on the Hudski Instagram stories and a local (shoutout Cesar!) hit me up wanting to show me the local trails. We exchanged maybe 4 texts overall and we were riding that same night! We rode for hours that night and hung out like we'd known each other for years.
The welcoming cycling community here was really highlighted at this year's NACCC-- The North American Cycle Courier Championships. The Mexico City courier scene hosted this year's race at the famous UNAM University campus and the vibes were unreal. Messengers came from all over the world to race and you could tell just how proud the locals were to show off their city.

While cruising around taking photos at NACCC, I had the pleasure of meeting up with Pancho- Owner of Bombardiers Cycles. A small operation based in Cuauhtémoc with a huge presence in the track bike scene worldwide. Pancho offers custom, steel track & gravel frames made in 4130 Chromoly or Columbus Cromor.
He also offers custom paint jobs on everything. Everything done in- house. Too rad.
The Bombardiers crew have been super welcoming to me & have become my go-to spot to have my Doggler worked on.
Emmanuel, lead mechanic working out of the Bombardiers studio, runs a workshop called El Work Shop.
I recently crashed on a trail ride and he helped me get my derailleur hanger whipped back into shape. Mil gracias, carnales!!!

Needless to say, I've been enjoying my time in the saddle here in Mexico City and I'm eternally grateful for everyone I've met along the way here. If you're planning on visiting, be sure to brush up on your Spanish & bring your Doggler!

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