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CARBON GRIT : Hudski Bikes Enter the Cycling Market with Versatile Ride

California-based Hudski bikes enters the Bike Market with an Innovative and versatile sport-Utility shredder. Hudski, a new bike brand based in Northern California, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its lightweight and rigid frame and fork design with three unique build options.  The Hudski Doggler is designed to maximize the versatility and stoke of a rigid bike for city, gravel, or mountain riding.

Inspired by their mutual love of biking and influenced by Hudson’s mother’s beautiful, but heavy cruiser that rarely made the arduous trek up the staircase of her New York City apartment, co-founders Will Hudson and Brian Syzkowny used their industrial design degrees and Syzkowny’s experience at Specialized to develop three unique builds based on one frame and fork design – city, gravel, and mountain – to meet the needs of various riders.
